Broughton works for a factory in Québec. He will earn $2,230.87 in salary each bi- weekly pay period. He receives a non-cash taxable benefit of $37.00 per pay. He contributes 1.5% of his salary into his RPP each week and pays union dues of $28.00 per pay. His federal claim code is 2 and provincial claim code is A. Broughton will not reach the first yearly maximums for pensionable or insurable earnings this pay period. Calculate: a. Gross Taxable Earnings (GTE) b. Pensionable Earnings c. Insurable Earnings d. Net Taxable Income CRA e. Net Taxable Income RQ f. QPP Contribution g. El Premium h. QPIP Premium i. Federal Income Tax j. Provincial Income Tax K.tottal deductions I net pay