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(Solved): C # Programming Write a program to model a simple calculator. Each data line should consist of the ...

C # Programming

Write a program to model a simple calculator. Each data line should consist of the next operation to be performed from the list below and the right operand. Your Accumulator's initial value SHOULD be 0. You need a function scan_data with two output parameters that returns the operator and right operand scanned from a data line. You need a function do_next_op that performs the required operation and saves the value in accumulator. do_next_op takes in the operand, value and accumulator.

The valid operators are:

+ add e.g input => + 5.0
- subtract e.g input => - 5.0
* multiply e.g input => * 5.0
/ divide e.g input => / 5.0
^ power e.g input => ^ 5.0
q quit e.g input => q 0

Note: Numbers in your output should be rounded to 1 decimal place.

SAMPLE RUN #4: ./Calculator

Enter the statement: + 5.0

Result so far is 5.0

Enter the statement: - 2

Result so far is 3.0

Enter the statement:* 4

Result so far is 12.0

Enter the statement: / 2.0

Result so far is 6.0

Enter the statement: ^ 2

Result so far is 36.0

Enter the statement: q 0

Final result is 36.0

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