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(Solved): Conflict in the Workplace Scenario: The Widget Manufacturing Company Background: You are the newly ...

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Conflict in the Workplace Scenario: The Widget Manufacturing Company Background: You are the newly appointed Operations Manager at Widget Manufacturing Company, a mid-sized manufacturing firm specializing in producing innovative widgets. The company has been experiencing challenges related to office politics, negativity, and conflicts among employees. As part of your role, you have been tasked with analyzing and addressing these issues to improve the overall work environment and productivity. Objectives: Identify sources of office politics, negativity, and conflict within the workplace. Develop strategies to overcome and mitigate these issues. Implement a plan to foster a positive and collaborative work culture. Activity Tasks: Task 1: Analysis of Current Situation (15 points) Conduct online interviews, surveys, or observations to identify specific instances of office politics, negativity, and conflicts. Create a report summarizing your findings, including key contributors and affected departments. Task 2: Root Cause Analysis (20 points) Analyze the root causes of the identified issues. Consider factors such as communication breakdowns, power struggles, or lack of motivation. Develop a fishbone diagram or another appropriate tool to visually represent the root causes.

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