Do you think the regression model with three predictors is \table[[Model Summary],[Model,R Square,\table[[Adjusted R],[Square]],\table[[Standard Error of the],[Estimate]],],[1,0.8101\deg ,0.6563,0.6495,277.1155],[2,0.8525\deg ,0.7268,0.7101,252.0293]] a. Predictors: (Constant), Store Size (square foot) b. Predictors: (Constant), Store Size (square foot), College Nearby, Drive Thru ANOVA \table[[Model,,ruv,,,Sig.],[\table[[\table[[Sum of],[Squares]]]],df,Mean Square,F],[1,\table[[Regression],[Residual],[Total]],\table[[\table[[7477595.91],[3916444.12],[11394040.03]]]],\table[[\table[[1],[51],[52]]]],\table[[7477596],[76793.02]],97.3734,.0000],[2,\table[[Regression],[Residual],[Total]],\table[[\table[[7477595.91],[3916444.12],[11394040.03]]]],\table[[\table[[3],[3],[49],[52]]]],\table[[\table[[2760540],[63518.8]]]],43.4602,.0000]] a. Predictors: (Constant), Store Size (square foot) b. Predictors: (Constant), Store Size (square foot), College Nearby, Drive Thru Coefficients Do you think the regression model with three predictors is better than the first model? What is your decision and conclusion from the overall Model 2 test? The manager predicts that each sq feet increase in store size will translate into RM6. Does this make possible? better than the first model? What is your decision and conclusion from the overall Model 2 test? The manager predicts that each sq feet increase in store size will translate into RM6. Does this make possible?