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(Solved): In this class I will expect you to figure things out on your own sometimes and this Gradle part is a ...

In this class I will expect you to figure things out on your own sometimes and this Gradle part is a step in this direction. You are supposed to add a task into your Gradle file (build.gradle) to create a jar file that can be executed and includes all dependencies. To do so search for "fatJar Gradle" using Google. One of the first things you should find is from baeldung. You will find that there is a customFatJar task introduced. Use this task as a template. Now change this task so it is called ’fatJar’ instead of ’customFatJar’ and the task should name the created jar file asurite_memoranda.jar. Tip figure out what this task does and make all the necessary changes so it builds your project correctly. When you do it correctly you should be able to run ’gradle fatJar’ in the command line, which should give you the executable JAR in your build directory (look in the subdirectories as well). When you execute ’java -jar asurite_memoranda.jar’ (memoranda will in this case be your team name) in the directory that contains the JAR file that was created, the application should open. Take a screenshot of your terminal with your successful build and include it in your document under Task 2.2. So we see what you did: Now, commit your changes to the build.gradle file to your branch and push to the repository. I also want you to add the asurite_memoranda.jar file to your repo into your branch. Put it directly into the main folder (copy it into the same folder the README and build.gradle file is in).

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