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(Solved): In this project, we will be developing a basic neural network from the ground up to classify variou ...

In this project, we will be developing a basic neural network from the ground up to classify various types of fashion items. The primary objective of this project is to gain a comprehensive understanding of neural network architecture, including its theory and implementation details. Categories in the dataset: 0: T-shirt/top 1: Trouser 2: Pullover 3: Dress 4: Coat 5: Sandal 6: Shirt 7: Sneaker 8: Bag 9: Ankle boot # Notice that you don't need any other packages for this mid-term import numpy as np import pandas as pd import random from matplotlib import pyplot as plt random.seed(42) # NEVER change this line; this is for grading # Reading the dataset data = pd.read_csv('./fashion_data.csv') # The data pre-processing is done for you. Please do NOT edit the cell # However, you should understand what these codes are doing data = np.array(data) m, n = data.shape np.random.shuffle(data) # shuffle before splitting into dev and training sets data_dev = data[0:400].T Y_dev = data_dev[-1] X_dev = data_dev[0:n-1] X_dev = X_dev / 255. data_train = data[400:m].T Y_train = data_train[-1] X_train = data_train[0:n-1] X_train = X_train / 255. _,m_train = X_train.shape # define a global variable specifying the number of hidden neurons after the first layer # not the best practice, but we will do it for this mid-term project num_hidden_neurons = 20 # Initialize the parameters in the neural network # Based on the figure above, we need the weight and bias matrices. # W1, b1 are the matrices for the first layer # W2, b2 are the matrices for the second layer # You should think about the sizes of the matrices # then initialize elements in the matrix to be random numbers between -0.5 to +0.5 def init_params(): W1 = # Your code here b1 = # Your code here W2 = # Your code here b2 = # Your code here return W1, b1, W2, b2 # As a starting point, you only need a ReLu function, its derivative, and the softmax function def ReLU(Z): # Your code here def ReLU_deriv(Z): # Your code here def softmax(Z): # Your code here return A # In the forward propagation function, X is the inputs (the image in vector form), and we pass all the weights and biases def forward_prop(W1, b1, W2, b2, X): Z1 = # Your code here A1 = # Your code here Z2 = # Your code here A2 = # Your code here return Z1, A1, Z2, A2 # This one hot function is to convert a numeric number into a one-hot vector def one_hot(Y): # Your code here return one_hot_Y # Now performing the backward propagation # Each function is only one line, but lots of Calculus behind def backward_prop(Z1, A1, Z2, A2, W1, W2, X, Y): one_hot_Y = one_hot(Y) dZ2 = # Your code here dW2 = # Your code here db2 = # Your code here dZ1 = # Your code here dW1 = # Your code here db1 = # Your code here return dW1, db1, dW2, db2 # Finally, we are ready to update the parameters def update_params(W1, b1, W2, b2, dW1, db1, dW2, db2, alpha): W1 = # Your code here b1 = # Your code here W2 = # Your code here b2 = # Your code here return W1, b1, W2, b2 # Implement the helper function. We need to convert the softmax output into a numeric label # This is done through get_predictions function def get_predictions(A2): # Your code here # We also want to have a simple function to compute the accuracy. Notice that "predictions" and "Y" are the same shape def get_accuracy(predictions, Y): return # Your code here # Finally, we are ready to implement gradient descent def gradient_descent(X, Y, alpha, iterations): W1, b1, W2, b2 = # Your code here - using the function you have implemented for i in range(iterations): Z1, A1, Z2, A2 = # Your code here - using the function you have implemented dW1, db1, dW2, db2 = # Your code here - using the function you have implemented W1, b1, W2, b2 = # Your code here - using the function you have implemented if i % 10 == 0: print("Iteration: ", i) predictions = get_predictions(A2) print(get_accuracy(predictions, Y)) return W1, b1, W2, b2 #Validate set performance def make_predictions(X, W1, b1, W2, b2): _, _, _, A2 = forward_prop(W1, b1, W2, b2, X) predictions = get_predictions(A2) return predictions dev_predictions = make_predictions(X_dev, W1, b1, W2, b2) get_accuracy(dev_predictions, Y_dev) Part 2: Error Analysis and Performance Improvements You now will try to improve the model performance through, for example, different activation functions, learning rate cahnges, expanding the network complexity, regularization, and dropouts. Implement these ideas for improvement and compare to the base model you completed in part 1. The ideas may not improve the model, they may improve, give reasons why you did or did not succeed in makeing a better model. You must implement at least three different models.

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