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(Solved): please explain in c++ Write a recursive function called PrintNumPattern( to output the following nu ...

Write a recursive function called PrintNumPattern( to output the following number pattern.
Given a positive integer as inputplease explain in c++

Write a recursive function called PrintNumPattern( to output the following number pattern. Given a positive integer as input (Ex: 12), subtract another positive integer (Ex: 3) continually until a negative value is reached, and then continually add the second integer until the first integer is again reached. For this lab, do not end output with a newline. Ex. If the input is: 12 3 the output is: \begin{tabular}{l|l} LAB & 15.10.1: LAB: Number pattern \\ ACTIVITY & 15. \end{tabular} main.cpp Load default template... \#include using namespace std; / TODO: Write recursive PrintNumPattern() function int int num1; int num2; cin num1; cin num 2 ; PrintNumPattern(num1, num2); return ; (3)

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Here's an implementation of the recursive function PrintNumPattern in C++:
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