Set i 'noktalar' ()/(depot), K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9, K(10)/() s(i) 'depo noktaları' ()/(depo)(t)/() t(i) 'bayi noktaları' ()/(K1)*K(10)/() v 'araçlar' ()/(L1)*L(3)/() O 'zaman dilimleri' ()/(G0)*G(540)/(;) Alias (i,j); Parameter a(v) 'araçların kapasiteleri' ()/(L) 1 150 L2 150 L3( 150)/(;) Parameter b(i) 'Bayilerin eski telefon arzı' ()/(D) epot 0, K1 50, K2 40, K3 30, K4 60, K5 20, K6 70, K7 40, K8 30, K9 50, K10 20 ()/(); Parameter c(i,j) 'mesafe matrisi'; c('depot','K1') = 10; c('depot','K2') = 15; c('depot','K3') = 20; c('depot','K4') = 25; c('depot','K5') = 30; c('depot','K6') = 35; c('depot','K7') = 40; c('depot','K8') = 45; c('depot','K9') = 50; c('depot','K10') = 55; c('K1','depot') = 10; c('K1','K2') = 12; c('K1','K3') = 14; c('K1','K4') = 16; c('K1','K5') = 18; c('K1','K6') = 20; c('K1','K7') = 22; c('K1','K8') = 24; c('K1','K9') = 26; c('K1','K10') = 28; c('K2','depot') = 15; c('K2','K1') = 12; c('K2','K3') = 10; c('K2','K4') = 15; c('K2','K5') = 20; c('K2','K6') = 25; c('K2','K7') = 30; c('K2','K8') = 35; c('K2','K9') = 40; c('K2','K10') = 45; c('K3','depot') = 20; c('K3','K1') = 14; c('K3','K2') = 10; c('K3','K4') = 8; c('K3','K5') = 12; c('K3','K6') = 15; c('K3','K7') = 18; c('K3','K8') = 22; c('K3','K9') = 25; c('K3','K10') = 30; c('K4','depot') = 25; c('K4','K1') = 16; c('K4','K2') = 15; c('K4','K3') = 8; c('K4','K5') = 10; c('K4','K6') = 14; c('K4','K7') = 18; c('K4','K8') = 20; c('K4','K9') = 25; c('K4','K10') = 28; c('K5','depot') = 30; c('K5','K1') = 18; c('K5','K2') = 20; c('K5','K3') = 12; c('K5','K4') = 10; c('K5','K6') = 10; c('K5','K7') = 15; c('K5','K8') = 18; c('K5','K9') = 22; c('K5','K10') = 25; c('K6','depot') = 35; c('K6','K1') = 20; c('K6','K2') = 25; c('K6','K3') = 15; c('K6','K4') = 14; c('K6','K5') = 10; c('K6','K7') = 8; c('K6','K8') = 12; c('K6','K9') = 16; c('K6','K10') = 20; c('K7','depot') = 40; c('K7','K1') = 22; c('K7','K2') = 30; c('K7','K3') = 18; c('K7','K4') = 18; c('K7','K5') = 15; c('K7','K6') = 8; c('K7','K8') = 10; c('K7','K9') = 12; c('K7','K10') = 18; c('K8','depot') = 45; c('K8','K1') = 24; c('K8','K2') = 35; c('K8','K3') = 22; c('K8','K4') = 20; c('K8','K5') = 18; c('K8','K6') = 12; c('K8','K7') = 10; c('K8','K9') = 8; c('K8','K10') = 12; c('K9','depot') = 50; c('K9','K1') = 26; c('K9','K2') = 40; c('K9','K3') = 25; c('K9','K4') = 25; c('K9','K5') = 22; c('K9','K6') = 16; c('K9','K7') = 12; c('K9','K8') = 8; c('K9','K10') = 10; c('K10','depot') = 55; c('K10','K1') = 28; c('K10','K2') = 45; c('K10','K3') = 30; c('K10','K4') = 28; c('K10','K5') = 25; c('K10','K6') = 20; c('K10','K7') = 18; c('K10','K8') = 12; c('K10','K9') = 10; Scalar M 'number of transport vehicles' ()/()(3)/(;) Binary Variables x(i,j,v) '1 eğer taşıma aracı v doğrudan i düğümünden j düğümüne gidiyorsa, aksi takdirde 0' y(i,v) '1 eğer müşteri i nakliye aracı v tarafından tam olarak tedarik edilirse, aksi takdirde 0'; Positive Variable u(i,v) 'aracın i noktasındaki yükü'; Variable Z 'toplam mesafe (hedef fonksiyon)' arrival(i,v) 'aracın i noktasına varış zamanı'; Equations target_(f)unction 'hedef fonksiyon' demand_(c)apa_(c)onstraint(v) 'her aracın kapasite sınırı' depot_(c)onstraint(s) 'turların depo ile başlaması ve bitmesi' customer_(v)ehicle_(c)onstraint(t) 'her bayi tam olarak bir araca atanmalı' subtour_(e)limination(i,j,v) 'alt turların oluşmasını engeller' vehicle_(u)sage(v); target_(f)unction.. Z =e= sum((i,j,v), c(i,j)*x(i,j,v)); demand_(c)apa_(c)onstraint(v).. sum(i, b(i)*y(i,v)) =l= a(v); depot_(c)onstraint(s).. sum(v, y(s,v)) =e= M; customer_(v)ehicle_(c)onstraint(t).. sum(v, y(t,v)) =e= 1;; subtour_(e)limination(i,j,v)$[not sameas(i,'depot') and not sameas(j,'depot')].. u(i,v) - u(j,v) + a(v) * x(i,j,v) =l= a(v) - b(j); vehicle_(u)sage(v).. sum(i, y(i,v)) =g= 1; Model CVRP ()/(al)(l)/(;) Solve CVRP using mip minimizing Z; display x.l, y.l, u.l, Z.l; In the code I wrote, the vehicles come out of a single depot and collect the phones without returning to the depot, that is, without performing a subtour. There is a problem with the code I wrote because the objective function and irritation are 0. Can you find the error and fix it?