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(Solved): Submit a JAVA document. And also MS Word document containing the source code and Screen captures of ...

Submit a JAVA document. And also MS Word document containing the source code and Screen captures of the output. In the advanced animal tracking system for FunWorld Zoo, create a Java class named AdvancedANIMAL with the following features: Data Attributes: String AName (Animal Name) String AID (Animal ID) String Description int Age double Weight ArrayList vaccinations (a list to store the names of vaccinations received) Methods: Implement a method named addVaccination(String vaccineName) that adds the name of a vaccination to the list. Implement a method named displayVaccinations() that displays the list of vaccinations for the animal. Implement a static method named averageWeight(ArrayList animals) that calculates and returns the average weight of a list of animals. Constructor: Implement a constructor that initializes the data attributes. Object Creation and Demonstration: Create THREE AdvancedANIMAL objects with data of your choice. Add vaccinations to each animal using the addVaccination() method. Display the vaccinations for each animal using the displayVaccinations() method. Calculate and display the average weight of the three animals using the averageWeight() method. Marks Distribution: Define the AdvancedANIMAL class with extended data attributes and methods: 7 marks Implement the constructor: 3 marks Demonstrate the usage of methods and object creation: 5 marks Submit a JAVA document. And also MS Word document containing the source code and Screen captures of the output.

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