These are two tundamental properties shared by al DNA pulymerases In they synthesize DNA only in the 5 ta 3 'dlrection, auding the new dNTP to the 3 hydroxyl group; and, in they add new dNTPs only to a preformed primer strand that is hydrogenbonded to the temilate, being unable to initiate synthesis de nowa' they synthesize DNA only in the 5 'to 3 direction, adding the new NTP to the 3 / iydroxyl group, and, ili they add new NTPs only to a preformed primer strand that is hydrogen-bonded to the template being unable to initiate synthesis de nowo" they are able ro inidiate de novosynchesis of a new strand of DNA simply tyy using a single stranded DNA molecule as template: and, il) they synthesize DNA only in the
direction, adding the new dNTP to the
phosphate graup" T) they synthesize DNA only in the 5 to 3 'direction. adding the new dNTP to the 3 phosphate group; and. if) they add new dNTPs anly to a preformed primen strand that is tyydrogenbanded to the template, being unable to in tiate synthesis de novo' I) they symthesize DNA only in the 5 ' to 3 direction, adding the new ofVTP to the 31 hydrouyl group; and, if they are able to initiate de novo synthesis of a new strand of DNA simply by using a single stranded DNA molecule as template"